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10 Reasons to Use Live Transcripts in Virtual Classes

Use live transcripts in virtual classes? Are the virtual classes even going to be around for us to worry about them? If you are looking for cheapest cost lms create and sell online video courses best WordPress platform in lowest cost then your searches is over. Time to find out!

Globally, an increasing number of universities are making use of virtual classrooms. Online learning is flexible and helps overcome the challenges of time and distance.

Of course, virtual classrooms are still in development and, as such, are plagued by many challenges! Luckily, this technology keeps on developing and improves with an assortment of new choices.

Live transcription of lectures can be an extraordinary and straightforward approach to boost the accessibility, engagement, and value of virtual classrooms. Buy one of the best wordpress open-source solutions free lms platform for small businesses to deliver corporate training.

Besides being a useful tool for those attending the live sessions, live transcripts can help people catch up with lectures they missed. Since most individuals involved miss bits and pieces of a virtual class regularly, live transcripts will prove to be a useful asset henceforth.

So far, we have established how virtual classrooms are here to stay and how transcripts are an aid for virtual classes. However, is catching up on missed lectures the only way transcripts help us?

No. To make the most of them, here are ten reasons to use live transcripts in virtual classes to optimise them for both teachers and students. If see on google then you will find DomainRaceras the best LMS service provider.

Make Your Courses 3D

One of the top advantages of using live transcripts in virtual classes is that transcripts will give your course a 3D model. Transcripts present virtual classes in a text-audio-video format.

That way, you do not need to spend many resources updating the educational program.

While data is always evolving and instructive materials need frequent reviews, transcripts can be a great time and money saver. For instance, transcripts are a lot simpler to edit and update than video or audio recordings.

Rather than re-shooting a whole video or re-record a web recording or lecture, you can undoubtedly edit a transcript if any of your virtual lecture information gets obsolete or should need an update.

Does your university want to broadcast live virtual classroom training? It can make transcripts of the exercises available to individuals who were not able to attend the stream.

Did someone experience technical glitches during a live virtual classroom training? DomainRacer gives transcripts, you can ensure no one missed any vital information.

Does your firm is interested in transcribing their courses without any hassle? Visit and check out the many features we provide with our live transcriptions.

A Teaching Tool

Transcripts are likewise useful for the educators who conduct and teach in virtual classrooms. Many schools and college educators use live transcription for their lectures and DomainRaceris the one with absolute feature.

Educators and students can review transcripts after the lecture to comprehend which parts may have been confusing or require more time for full comprehension.

Besides, utilising transcripts can help a teacher resolve all student queries— which would have been impossible otherwise.

Improve Training Accessibility

Did you know that Albert Einstein could not speak until he was three and had difficulties in mathematics? Or that Walt Disney was diagnosed with dyslexia that affected his reading, writing, and spelling abilities? Or that Tom Cruise, the Hollywood star, is also severely dyslexic?

In 2016, the National Centre for Education Statistics reported that the number of undergraduate students with physical and learning disabilities enrolled in American universities had increased from 6% in 1999 to 19% in 2016.

Designing accessible courses is essential because it provides educational opportunities to all students. For instance, a captioned video is helpful to deaf students, but it also benefits non-native speakers. It also provides a sense of independence for students with disabilities.

Plus, when it comes to accessibility, it is better to be proactive than reactive. So that on the off chance that parts of a course require a redesign, major’s changes will not be necessary.

Numerous individuals learn better when they can interact with the material. Transcripts assist them by making material interactive, as well. Virtual classroom students can use a transcript of the course materials to help them take notes and study for tests.

Your students can gain better insights into their study material with DomainRacer LMS services if any of the following cases apply to them:

  • They learn better by reading rather than listening or watching.
  • Students who face difficulty in maintaining focus and paying attention.
  • Undergrads who are hard of hearing or deaf.
  • Students whose first language is not English.
  • They need to print out notes and go over them.
  • Children who become distracted during lessons.
  • Individuals who need additional time with the concepts addressed in the lecture.

Easy to Repurpose

Pretty much every virtual classroom teacher concurs that student materials should be intriguing, intuitive, and engaging to be effective. Numerous individuals suggest multi modal learning since it combines different types of media and addresses diverse learning styles.

Unfortunately, universities that give virtual classroom instruction, and the associations that create the course material, might not have all the assets they need to produce for multi-modal learning.

Transcripts assist with this. When you create transcripts of your audio or video lectures, you can more effectively repurpose them into several teaching forms. The transcribed text can be effortlessly copied and used somewhere else.

Institutions can use transcripts of their materials to create study guides, tests, or exercise manuals. In this way, they will enable their educators to be more productive and give understudies more options.

When you make a book variant of your lectures into transcripts, then portions of those lessons can easily be divided into smaller sections. It likewise helps any individual who has a copy of the transcript locate the right part quickly and easily. If that person needs to find a specific portion of the training or skim the materials for a quick reminder, they can look over the transcript rather than go through an entire video again.

Easy to Get Indexed

Need to go back and find a particular word or topic? Use of live transcripts in classes can do that for you!

Search engines cannot navigate through a video, audio, or image as well as they can through text. As such, transcripts can enable search engines to assist users in scanning through such content.

If your university stores a library of resources and materials, including transcripts of video and audio files, it can improve the user experience. With more content-based reports in your database of course materials, educators and learners can search for explicit terms or areas they need.

Additionally, transcripts can help your university site rank in search engine results if the materials are accessible to the overall population.

Transcripts can improve search engine optimization in many ways. So, having openly accessible training materials on your site is another wellspring of information that web search tools can use to position your page in its outcomes better.

Improve Quality of Education

Educators can use transcription to get better at their professions. All they have to do is skim through their lecture transcripts to find holes in their technique where they can improve.

With this approach, transcripts point out all the instances where they stumble over words, speak too much or too little about a topic, and repeat themselves.

With proper implementation, transcripts can improve class execution and make schools more engaging and appealing for undergraduates.

Not only that but by providing your transcripts online, you may attract potential students to your school.

Improve Communication

Virtual classroom training permits universities to unite educators and learners from various areas. Doing so can assist universities in improving collaboration and participation.

The diverse correspondence choices allow distinctive team members to share thoughts and learn together without being in the same room.

Boost Focus of the Students

Transcripts are a significant recommendation for students as it can be very challenging to concentrate on the educator if they are too busy taking notes.

It would be better if they could concentrate on the lecturer without having to worry about note-taking. DomainRacer LMS will help you to take care of your assignments.

By transcribing lectures, students will have the option to concentrate on the lecturer as the lecture transcripts will provide them with all the notes they need about that topic.

No More Blips in Memory

Regardless of how skilled a student is at note-taking, writing down all of the material is impossible. Lectures are fast-paced and in-depth, and attempting to record everything is inconceivable.

Transcribed lectures will guarantee that students never miss anything significant.

Missing out vital information during lectures will become a thing of the past with Wavell’s live transcriptions. Get your lectures transcribed here.

Increase Retention Rate

Most of the information students receive gets stored in their short-term memory. Studies have found that, if not rehearsed, such information will last for mere seconds before vanishing from their memory.

For this reason, recording the lectures and getting them transcribed will make the process of retention much simpler for the students.


There can be many more reasons to use live transcripts in virtual classes. They are great for educators to improve their teaching methods and for students to improve their retention rates.

If you want to join ranks with such universities and schools and start transcribing your learning material for both your lecturers and students, you can visit DomainRacer LMS platform to get more info.

As such, many universities and schools have been investing in a workflow integrated with live transcripts lately.