
13 Funniest Marijuana Memes to Enjoy When You’re High


1. A Tough Decision

2. Some Good Advice, Maybe?

3. The New St. Paddy’s Logo?

4. Not Like the Photo

5. Everyone’s Favorite Buddy

6. Watch Out for the Munchies!

7. What’s Not to Love About Getting High?

8. Possibly the Two Greatest Hobbies Ever

9. Share This One with Your Newbie 420 Friend

10. Everybody’s Favorite Weed Advocate

11. Hold It In!

12. Not as Secret as You Might Think

13. This Could Be You

Laughter Is the Best Medicine

A great meme is a wonderful way to enjoy a laugh with friends—even more so when you’re high! Cannabis turns on your happy mood and makes everything ten times more hilarious than before. What better way to enjoy a good smoking session than marijuana memes?

There are memes about weed for every type of toker on this list. Whatever it is that ticks your giggle box, it’s here. So, grab those buds you grew from your indoor weed seeds, sink into your favorite couch, and light up. Things are about to get funny!

Are you ready to split your sides with our rundown of the best pot memes? 

Let’s get laughing.

1. A Tough Decision

Sometimes, choosing between a lot of great options is tough. This first of our memes really shows how hard it can be to pick the right strain. Do you go for an energizing sativa or a laid-back indica? What about a perfectly balanced hybrid? So much choice!


2. Some Good Advice, Maybe?

When you were a kid, you know your mom told you not to talk to or take anything from strangers? This marijuana meme made us chuckle. We bet you wouldn’t say no!

3. The New St. Paddy’s Logo?

We think this leaf would make an excellent replacement for the four-leafed clover. Or maybe it could bring good luck to cannabis enthusiasts far and wide on 420. What do you think? Share it anyway—you might get lucky!

4. Not Like the Photo

Have you ever been to meet someone who looked completely different from their picture? It happens a lot in the world of online dating. Maybe being catfished isn’t so bad after all if this cannabis meme is anything to go by! 

5. Everyone’s Favorite Buddy

Every group of friends has the one who’s always carrying or up for a smoke any time of the day. Do you have a bud like this? Or maybe it’s you! 

6. Watch Out for the Munchies!

We know what this guy means. The best shows to watch while high always make you hungry—whatever’s on the menu! We suggest you grab a few snacks before you light up. Once you get comfy in that chair, you know you’re not going anywhere.

7. What’s Not to Love About Getting High?

Can anyone read this? Maybe there’s nothing on the paper in this photo! We wouldn’t be surprised. There aren’t many reasons we can think of.

8. Possibly the Two Greatest Hobbies Ever

The man in this meme has the right idea—he just needs to execute it right. Kicking back with a good smoke and rescuing man’s best friend sounds like the perfect way to spend a high. Just remember what you’re looking for!

9. Share This One with Your Newbie 420 Friend

Has someone new recently joined your smoking circle? It’s always a laugh to see what silliness they get up to, like the guy in this meme. Fish for dinner, anyone?

10. Everybody’s Favorite Weed Advocate

We couldn’t have a list of the best weed humor memes and not include the Dogg himself. Just when you think someone’s telling you they’ve quit, they hit you with this classic line.

11. Hold It In!

We’ve all been in this situation. Sorry in advance if our weed memes make you splutter it out and start coughing. They’re just too funny!

12. Not as Secret as You Might Think

Have you ever gone home and tried to cover up the fact you smoked? This meme perfectly captures the fact you can’t hide being super high. It might make you giggle, though, when you look in the mirror and see your own glassy eyes glaring back.

13. This Could Be You

Are you enjoying our collection of funny marijuana memes? Sure you haven’t hit share more than once on the same one? Don’t worry! We’re sure everyone will appreciate the laugh.

Laughter Is the Best Medicine

We’re sure you’re rolling on the floor in fits of giggles and shouting “I love weed memes” by now. Who wouldn’t be with this hilarious collection? 

The memes above are the perfect way to accompany a smoke. So, share them with friends and let them in on the fun. Invite them over for a session next time and revel in the laughter together. It is the best medicine, after all!

Writer’s Notes

  • Other articles on site numbered like this.
  • I’ve added the images and the HTML below as they can’t just copy the images I believe.
  • Site is title case.
  • All sorts of length paragraphs and random articles on posting site, so I felt free to do what I thought was best. 
  • I used the kind of vibe of many meme posts on the net as couldn’t find any on the posting site.
  • 737 words before adding the HTMLs.

Douglas Kester

Douglas Kester, a cannabis growing expert at I49 Seed Bank. He has been working in the weed industry for more than 10 years. During that period, he built up a vast experience and depth of expertise in this field. Douglas has a detailed understanding of every aspect of marijuana, from its cultivation and species to the effects it brings. He’s also up to date on all the cannabis-related legislation nuances.
