
9 Realistic Steps to Control Anxiety

You’re concerned… perhaps you’re terrified that something negative will occur; you stress over things going wrong, and you’ll never be able to cope. When the feeling overwhelms you, it prevents you from acting and typically makes you feel HORRIBLE.

One of the most frequent problems that prompt people to seek a psychologist’s assistance is anxiety. If you are experiencing this, YOU ARE NOT ALONE. You know those anxious ideas in your head are useless (or even foolish), yet it’s hard to stop them. 

I bet you’d appreciate some help dealing with them. I also understand that you want to get rid of the physical signs, such as rapid breathing, chest pain, a racing heart, trembling, and tension throughout your body. Sometimes these feelings and emotions can be so overwhelming they can make you think you’re having a heart attack at the time.

You can improve your anxiety management and raise your tolerance by following some rather easy practical actions. Some crucial tactics and strategies concentrate on your beliefs and avoidance behaviours (avoiding things that make us anxious is super common, but also part of the vicious cycle of anxiety). However, let’s look at some realistic measures you can take today in order to become less susceptible to anxiety and pull yourself back from the brink of an anxiety attack.

1. Relaxed breathing. Your breathing gets shallower and faster the more worried you get. To avoid this, choose a quiet area or attempt to slow your breathing and breathe deeply into your belly. Slowly inhale for four counts, stop, and then slowly exhale for four counts. This one is particularly helpful because it relieves your body’s “freak out” symptoms. Additionally, if you are counting breaths and concentrating on inhaling deeply into your abdomen, you won’t be able to think anxious thoughts. Win/Win!

2. Progressively relaxing your muscles. Find a peaceful area. Tense your muscles from your toes to your head, and then relax each in turn as you close your eyes. Follow three seconds of tension holding by a swift release. This can ease the tense-muscle sensations that frequently accompany anxiety.

If you find yourself suffering from serious anxiety that is taking over your life. Consider consulting a psychologist. Look for a professional who has psychologist insurance in place so you can rest assured you’re in the best hands.

3. Pursue a healthy way of living. This one is more broad-based. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle, eating well, getting enough sleep, spending time in nature, spending time with loved ones, managing stress, and engaging in activities you enjoy will all help lessen your susceptibility to anxiety while also enhancing your wellbeing.

4. Avoid stimulants. Avoid using excessive amounts of alcohol and caffeine, which can exacerbate anxiety and lead to panic episodes.

5. Pause for a moment. Try yoga, music, meditation, massages, yoga, or learning relaxation techniques. Taking a step back from the issue can help you think more clearly.

6. Accept your best is good enough. Accomplish your best and recognise that you can’t do everything – This is a general attitude issue; rather than striving for perfection, which is impossible, be proud of how close you come and recognise that you can’t control everything.

7. Laugh out loud. A good laugh can do wonders. Many of the thoughts we have when we’re concerned sound odd when spoken aloud.

8. Engage in activity. You can build a support network and take a respite from the stress of everyday life by getting involved in your community by joining a group, volunteering, or in some other way.

9. Interact with someone. When you’re feeling overwhelmed, tell your loved ones and let them know how they can help. Consult your doctor or a psychologist for expert assistance.

The simple actions outlined above can enable you to begin managing your anxiety and increase your sense of self-assurance regarding your ability to influence how you feel. While none of these is the equivalent of a magic wand to dispel anxiety, they probably will help significantly with a little bit of practice. 

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