
Can Pregnant Women Fly On an Airplane, and Until When?

On vacation at sea, visiting friends or on a business trip for work matters. Whatever the reason for air travel, a pregnant woman is concerned with the question: is it safe for her health and the fetus? 

Pregnancy Is Not a Disease!

Travel during pregnancy is generally not contraindicated. Today, a pregnant girl can lead an active life throughout her entire pregnancy, including traveling.

If the pregnancy proceeds without complications, then flying on an airplane is safe. However, before each of them, a consultation with an obstetrician-gynecologist is necessary to exclude possible contraindications.

The main question that a pregnant woman should ask herself before flying is where is she flying? Will she or the newborn be provided with adequate medical care in that place if the need arises. Accordingly, if there is a high risk of premature birth, it is better to prefer flights within the country and only to those places where there is quality medical care.

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At What Stage of Pregnancy Is It Better to Fly?

When preparing for travel, you must take into account the week of pregnancy.

1-14 weeks

During pregnancy, there are periods that doctors conventionally call “critical”. This is the time of implantation, when the fetus attaches to the endometrium or the period of formation of vital organs in the unborn baby. At these moments, any environmental influence can provoke pathologies of fetal development or miscarriage.

1-14 weeks of pregnancy is just such a period. This is also supported by the fact that insurance companies do not issue insurance until 12 weeks of pregnancy.

In addition, from 11 to 14 weeks, very important examinations are carried out, including ultrasound, genetic tests and tests to identify pathologies of fetal development. Therefore, it is better to stay at home and be sure to go through them.

14-17 weeks

The period of pregnancy from 14 to 23 weeks in medical practice is considered the most “calm”. This is a fertile time for flying if the pregnant woman is not worried about anything and the doctor allows the trip.

The first important screenings are already over, and there is time to return home before the second.

18-21 weeks

These weeks are still part of the “quiet” period. You can fly at this time without any health restrictions, but the flight must be agreed with your doctor. This is the period of second screenings, which cannot be skipped.

From 18 to 21 weeks, the pregnant woman must undergo a second ultrasound and perinatal diagnosis of fetal anomalies, so the woman must be within reach of her doctor.

22-34 weeks

Up until the 30th week of pregnancy, a “window of opportunity” opens up for a woman to visit another country or enjoy the seaside. With the doctor’s permission, this period can be extended to 34 weeks.

The fact is that at 30-33 weeks of pregnancy the third screening is carried out, and it is also better to undergo it. However, ultrasound in the third trimester is excluded from the list of mandatory screenings, so the decision remains with the woman and her doctor.

35-40 weeks

Flights beyond 35-36 obstetric weeks are prohibited by most airlines, due to the potential for premature birth.

Therefore, during this period you will have to stay at home and use the free time to prepare for the birth of the baby.