
Cannabis Terpenes: What They Are and How They Work

In contrast to familiar cannabis words like cannabinoid, Indica, and Sativa, you may have lately come across terpenes, another chemical discovered in cannabis.

But what exactly are terpenes? And how crucial is it to understand the different types and amounts of cannabis before purchasing a product?

Here’s what researchers have discovered thus far.

What Are Terpenes in Cannabis?

Terpenes occur naturally in plants and some animals. They are in charge of their aromas, tastes, and colors. They are found in items such as solvents, insecticides, and dyes. Some of them are even therapeutic. Terpenes in cannabis contribute to the distinct aroma and flavor of diverse strains. They are found in nearly all plants, although they are most plentiful in cannabis, citrus fruits, and some herbs.

Terpenes are usually connected with cannabis since scientists discovered that cannabis plants had a high concentration of them, even though many plants need them for pollination and to fight off predators. Terpenes in cannabis are also being studied as a means of classifying cannabis products and forecasting their effects.

Terpenes not only have a pleasant scent, but they also have medicinal advantages, according to recent research.

On a lighter side, businesses work with cannabis growers to create procedures and processes that optimize profit while also improving the flavor of a cannabis-based product through terpene manufacturing.

Cannabinoids vs. Terpenes

Terpenes and cannabinoids are two chemical components that are required for the manufacturing of cannabis products. Terpenes in cannabis are responsible for the taste and fragrance of the finished product. Meanwhile, cannabinoids such as tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD) generate a “high” when absorbed into the body.

Types of Terpenes in Cannabis

The various terpenes found in cannabis provide various scents and tests to the products. According to research, there are at least 100 different types of terpenoids in a single cannabis plant. According to Altitude Organic Cannabis, here are the top five terpenes found in cannabis.

1. Myrcene

Myrcene, the most prevalent terpene recognized for its earthy, red grape-like scent, accounts for approximately 65 percent of the total quantity of terpenes in some cannabis strains. According to research, cannabis strains high in Myrcene can aid with inflammatory disorders and chronic pain.

2. Limonene

The second most abundant form of terpene is found in citrus fruits and is responsible for the zesty scent. Limonene has antifungal and antibacterial effects and can aid with stress reduction.

3. Linalool

This is the most prevalent form of terpene related to marijuana. It has a spicy, earthy, and flowery scent similar to that of highly soothing and sedative herbs like lavender, coriander, and cinnamon. Linalool has been shown to aid people with arthritis, depression, and sleeplessness.

4. Pinenes (Alpha and Beta)

Alpha- and beta-pinene, which have a unique pine fragrance, are plentiful in herbs such as rosemary, basil, and parsley. These terpenes help with inflammatory and respiratory disorders.

5. Caryophyllene

This terpene has a strong, spicy, and minty fragrance. Caryophyllene smells and tastes like black pepper, oregano, basil, cloves, and rosemary. This kind of terpene is utilized for its analgesic and anti-anxiety qualities.

The Benefits of Cannabis Consumption

Despite failures in cannabis research, the cannabis business remains robust and attracts followers who advocate for a different way of life. According to primary research, there are a few advantages to ingesting cannabis-based products, particularly those high in cannabis terpenes. The advantages are as follows:

1. Keeps Drug and Alcohol Addicts from Relapsing

Preliminary research indicates that cannabidiol (CBD) can be used to treat mental illnesses such as addiction. The research was carried out by watching patients who had completed their rehabilitation. Using cannabis-based products during stressful periods reduces their urge to seek out the substances to which they were hooked.

2. Blood Pressure Reduction

Another research found that CBD can aid with cardiovascular concerns, such as reducing blood pressure in reaction to stressful situations.

3. Chronic Pain Relief

According to a 2020 research, CBD may help ease chronic pain, enhance sleep, and reduce inflammation. However, the study cautions that any effects are conditional, and that a safe and effective CBD dose is yet to be determined. As a result, additional research is needed to establish how CBD might alleviate pain.

Terpene Extraction From Cannabis

Cannabis producers keep track of the terpenes that are present or plentiful in each cannabis strain they cultivate. This is significant for taste and medicinal qualities. It requires considerable attention and works to learn how to enhance terpenes in cannabis, just like any other cultivation.

1. Gardening Expertise

Check to see if the soil contains enough nitrogen, phosphate, and potassium for the plant’s primary and secondary growth. To ensure an aromatic product, keep the plant’s carbohydrate consumption in mind. Creating a carbohydrate-rich meal regimen will result in a rise in terpenes.

2. Lighting

Light is the fundamental source of energy for all plants, including cannabis. If you’re farming within a structure or facility, ensure adequate light for the plant to thrive correctly.

3. Extracting

Terpene extraction from a cannabis plant is comparable to obtaining volatile oils from plants. Large distilleries include massive bottles, containers, and equipment designed expressly for extraction. The extraction of terpenes and volatile oils might take up to 14 hours in total.

Key Takeaway

Terpenes contribute significantly to the scent and flavor of a cannabis strain. They may also collaborate with cannabinoids and other cannabis plant chemicals to create euphoric effects. However, research on the plant’s more than 400 terpenes is still in its early stages, making it difficult to make precise statements regarding them. What’s important is that you purchase it from reputable companies to minimize the possible health risks.