Articles for category: Health



What happens to the body when uric acid is high?

uric acid is a chemical compound that originates when the body breaks down substances called purines. These purines are usually produced in the body itself, although it is also present in some foods and drinks. Thus, due to a diet rich in foods with purine in its composition and the characteristics of each person, uric ...



What are the symptoms of high blood pressure?

The high blood pressure or hypertension , is a disease that can occur in patients of all ages. Although it currently has more cases diagnosed in patients older than 65 years. This is caused by the increase in blood pressure as it passes through the arteries , altering our health and well-being . The heart ...



These are the reasons why a person with diabetes should sleep well

The diabetes and the sleep well have a relationship that unfortunately few pay attention to, mainly because when a diabetic person has an efficient sleep, it has a greater ability to control glucose levels , as well as you can live with more energy and with lower stress levels. Now, any variation in the levels ...



Experts warn of the effects of ibuprofen on the body

Ibuprofen belongs to the family of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs ( NSAIDs ) prescribed to relieve any type of pain and inflammation. But, despite the fact that this drug does not have to present contraindications , the truth is that it can harm our health if we take it in excess. In this sense, we must ...



These are the best vegetables to reduce uric acid

High levels of uric acid can be harmful to health , since they lead to a disease known as gout. Furthermore, hyperuricemia constitutes an important cardiovascular and cerebrovascular risk. Uric acid is a substance that the body itself generates by the process of decomposition of purines. However, the consumption of foods in purines can also ...



These are the damages that eye makeup can cause to vision

One of the beauty routines most common among people is the use of eye makeup . However, the different products that are used to make up the eye area can cause different damage to vision, as has been proven by various research studies. The eyes are one of the most sensitive areas of the body ...



Eating this fruit regularly helps improve memory

The apple is one of the fruits most appropriate for health, due to its high nutritional value and all the benefits it generates in the body . In this context, different studies have been able to determine how this food offers positive effects for learning and memory . This type of fruit provides carbohydrates to ...



The problems that the alteration of calcium levels in the body can cause

The calcium is one of the essential minerals for the correct functioning of the organism . Among other things, it is an essential nutrient for the formation and maintenance of healthy bones and teeth, blood circulation, muscle contraction and for transmitting nerve messages from the brain to other parts of the body. It must be ...



Homemade tricks to improve digestion in a healthy way

The digestion is one of the health issues that occupies the most interest of people due to the large amount of food that we can consume to improve it. And it is that once ingested, food takes from six to eight hours to pass through the stomach and small intestine, although always depends on the ...