Articles for category: Work


Key Ways to Keep Your Employees Satisfied and Productive at Work

How often have you considered whether the people who work for you are satisfied with their jobs? When discussing how individuals feel about their positions, we don’t just refer to pay and benefits – though these should certainly play a part.As leaders come and go, successful ones recognize the significance of making sure their staff ...


How can you monitor employee productivity

How Can You Monitor Employee Productivity?

Employee performance tracking is crucial to ensure that your organization operates efficiently and aims to meet its goal. Whether you have an office running physically or working remotely, it is essential to know how productive your employees are.  Employee Productivity Monitoring is helpful for employers and employees to gain insight into boosting performance. In this ...


WCB decision

How do I appeal a WCB decision in BC

The following blog describes the process of appealing a WCB decision in BC. Keep reading till the end to understand the Canadian workers’ compensation system and why you need lawyers in BC who fight WCB cases. What is WCB Canada? Workers compensation board is known as WCB in British Columbia. The WCB works to ensure ...


The Use of Project Management in Military Missions

Project management is a term that can be applied to many different types of projects. In the military though, it is used to manage and plan security missions, such as training exercises and other aspects of defence. In this article, learn about why project management is essential for such missions and how it helps improve ...


Features of good coworking spaces

If you have ever tried to find an office with no luck, know this: there are many more options out there than what you think — coworking spaces, in general, have been on the rise, both in terms of quality and number. If you need an extra workspace to succeed or want free coffee while ...