Chocolate is the food of our taste indulgence in a thousand ways and recipes. Many myths revolve around the good and the bad sides of chocolate consummation. Better Weigh Medical will demystify popular beliefs you probably came across associated with these world-old edible.
- High in caffeine
Chocolate does contain caffeine and theobromine. These substances are energy stimulators and are highly concentrated in dark chocolate. Nonetheless, these values are much lower than in coffee. One cup of coffee contains 320 milligrams, unlike the chocolate bar with 31 milligrams of caffeine and dark chocolate accommodates 31 milligrams.
- Lack of nutrient values
Uncontrary to beliefs, chocolate does contain nutrients and not just saturated sugar. Dark chocolate is rich in zinc, potassium, magnesium, selenium, iron, copper, and polyphenols. Polyphenols are powerful antioxidants that make chocolate beneficial in the fight against free radicals.
- Causes cavity
This is a highly believed myth that often concerns parents. Sugar by itself doesn’t cause the cavity, the responsibility for this is on bacteria in the mouth that metabolize sugar from food and produce acid. Contrary to common belief, chocolate can contributes the tooth health by providing proteins, phosphate, and calcium for the milk content in chocolate. The fat ingredient in chocolate benefits the clearing mouth faster than in other sweets and shortens the time sugar is present in teeth enamel. Thus, the high cacao content in dark chocolate helps fight mouth bacteria.
- Chocolate is bad for the cholesterol
This also is a myth, and the fact is that stearic acid, unique saturated fat, integrated into milk chocolate doesn’t arise cholesterol, however, surges the level of good cholesterol in the body.
- Chocolate can cause headache
Studies have shown that there is no connection between headache and chocolate intake. Once, the migraine was linked to a certain food including chocolate, but researchers have denied this relation.
- Chocolate can cause acne
This is yet another popular myth resolved in a favor of chocolate. Today, it’s a clearly known cause of acne skin, and the correlation with the fat content in chocolate is not closely linked. Acne breakout depends on many factors such as skin type, sebum production of the skin cells, bacterias, and others. In fact, these antioxidant and inflammatory proposition food can help in skin unstableness. Thus, the blood flow increased by the chocolate intake decreases skin dehydration while improving skin density.
- Chocolate makes you gain weight
This is partly true, as any food can actually increase the weight or contrary, be a part of a healthy diet if consumed moderated. If you obtain a calorie deficit, chocolate dessert can actually help in the prevention of overeating by its high content of fiber. In a weight loss regime, a slice of dark chocolate can be an occasional threat that won’t jeopardize the weight loss plan.
- Increases the stress
This is the most misleading information about chocolate. Dark chocolate contains flavanols, the substance that has the most positive impact on the brain. Flavanols increase blood flow affecting stronger memory, cognitive decline, boosting focus, and reducing stress. In addition, chocolate contains phenylethylamine, the substance responsible for endorphin release the same way it launches when we feel happy.
The beliefs about chocolate are changing through the researches that improves chocolate’s reputation. Moderated intake of chocolate can have beneficial health properties and become a safe part of a weight control diet. The advantages features of chocolate must not be the excuse for exceeding eating, but, hopefully, we have resolved your dilemmas about this delicious food and encourage you to enjoy it with precaution and sparingly.