
Emotionally Wordle :- What are the Definitions of “Definitions”?

This is the Emotionally Wordle summary.

Wordle can get so agitating that you start to guess irrelevant words. Have you ever tried to guess an 11-letter word in a 5-letter answer game? Do not be discouraged if you do, as there are many people who are confused in the United States, United Kingdom , , Canada.

This was Wordle number 405 at the moment. The hints were a bit confusing so the players became impulsive. Let’s look at Emotionally Wordle more-

Did Emotionally Provide an Answer?

Emotionally was not an answer. It isn’t possible to answer any Wordle because it is such a long lettered word. The players received hints like-

  • The word began with U alphabets and ended with T alphabets.
  • There were two vowels, but no repetitions of letters in the answer.
  • The word of today was a noun that demonstrates a feeling.
  • It is possible to use distress as a synonym for that word.

The answer was UPSET, which answers all of the clues.

Is Emotionally a Word ?

Many of you may feel discouraged now that you have found the correct answer and realized the meaninglessness of the word in Wordle. Asking such questions is not a way to doubt your abilities. Emotionally is a word found in many well-known dictionary.

It is a proper term that is used in everyday conversations. We don’t believe it fits any other Wordle variations, except Wordle Unlimited. It wasn’t, and it isn’t, an answer.

What are the Definitions of “Definitions”?

Emotionally definition isn’t present in Merriam-Webster, Cambridge, Collins or Merriam-Webster dictionaries. It is however present in the Macmillan dictionary. Cambridge says it refers to sensitivities.

It can be translated as “bidding to” or “arousing emotion”. Collins says it refers to strong emotions. Macmillan refers to this word as a suspicion or influence on our lives in any way.

This Trend is It?

For many reasons, the word “emotionally” has been in high demand since yesterday. The hints are one of the most obvious. The above-mentioned clues make the term Emotionally Stressed more controversial. When it comes to difficult puzzles, players can become anxious and impulsive. They just want to find the right answers for their words. One example is emotional. People who have guessed this word must use Wordle unlimited often, according to our opinion.


Wordle number 405 from 29 July looked easy, but it wasn’t. To avoid Emotionally Wordle situations, we recommend that you try several Wordle variations and puzzle games. It could be your unconscious mind trying to escape the routine and not able to deal with pressure.

The data was gathered from Internet research. To learn more about yesterday’s puzzle , please click here. What’s your favorite leisure activity when you feel exhausted? Please comment.