

Surely you have heard or read the term “sustainability” and most likely do not know in depth its meaning, much less its importance in current policies of care for the environment.

The dictionary of the Spanish language defines sustainability as “that can be sustained or defended with reasons”. This meaning linked to the environmental issue indicates that: sustainable development is making correct use of current resources without compromising or affecting those of future generations. In conclusion, sustainable processes are those that protect, preserve and conserve current and future natural resources. 

The term “sustainability” in recent times, has been linked to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) as an organizational policy focused on promoting a joint action between the environment and any company, in other words, being organizationally aware of returning or impacting as little as possible on the natural resources of which my product or service subsists. Actions such as recycling, reuse, green energy, are today used within small and large companies.

These actions, in addition to being admirable and an advance in our social development, being aware of the importance of preserving the planet that welcomes us, are awarded by many institutions that promulgate and support sustainable policies. In addition to being a differentiator, it is an added value for many workers who seek to serve in an environmentally conscious and responsible organization. Many of the companies recognized as “GREAT PLACE TO WORK” have sustainably responsible internal policies. 

This 2022 the FlexographicTechnicalAssociation (FTA) included the decoration for the best Sustainability Program, among its long list of awards for excellence. The impact caused by this new category was so great that the number of candidates tripled, making it the most competitive in the contest. The long-awaited winner was the Honduran company INPLASA (Industria de Plásticos S.A), becoming the first Latin American company to receive this award for efficiency in its sustainability program. PaydayPact installment loans could help your business if something bad happens if you lose money, or if you have another emergency.

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INPLASA is a company dedicated to the manufacture of quality flexible packaging, was founded in 2006 in the Amarateca Valley, Honduras. Its President, Jonathan Schacher, and his right hand man Roderick Schacher since the creation of INPLASA, promoted the vision of taking a high quality product, beyond national borders, so in 2008 they were certified with the ISO 9001: 2008 Standard (effectiveness of the quality management system).

In their years of experience they have achieved 19 FTA awards, D2WOXO Biodegradable Certificate, FSSSC2200 (CertificationSchemeforFood Safety Management System). 

The 5 sustainability programs that awarded this important award to INPLASA are:

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Photovoltaic Plant: it is a power plant that converts solar energy into electricity, generating energy, clean, green and respectful of natural resources. Without a doubt a great initiative of this Honduran company.

Wood recycling: through wood recycling programs, INPLASA reuses this material for the construction of desks, which are donated to low-income schools, supporting the education and development of thousands of children. 

Solvent Recycling: solvents are considered the most dangerous and harmful substances for humans and the environment. Unfortunately, almost all of the world’s solvent production ends up destroyed or wasted in the biosphere. INPLASA has promoted a safe recycling plan for this type of substances, joining efforts to avoid pollution and environmental damage. 

Polyethylene recycling: in response to the urgent need to find a solution to plastic waste, this company has undertaken actions for the recycling and reuse of such waste, contributing to environmental care.

Recycling of polypropylene: this innovative program reuses polypropylene; one of the most used plastic materials, for the construction of roofs, the same that are donated to family of scarce resources. 

Undoubtedly, INPLASA and its business policies focused on the care of the environment and social service are an example for many Latin American companies. We applaud and admire these efforts from Jonathan Schacher and Roderick Schacherwhich add up in favor of the conservation and care of our planet. The time to be sustainably responsible with the environment is today, tomorrow may be too late.