
From Wiz to CENTRAL, SS Jemal’s dedication to deliver affordable luxury apartments to the masses

SS Jemal, along with his oldest son Norman, are on path to deliver thousands of affordable luxury apartments to Manhattan. Through JemRock Organization LLC, the Jemal’s have trademark pending the brand name CENTRAL for this endeavor. The Jemal’s have also trademark pending and slogan marked “Live, Work, Be Well”, which actually defines JemRock’s three-point concept for the buildings.

SS Jemal has assembled a truly world-class, NYC centric experienced team to execute on JemRock’s CENTRAL concept. SS Jemal is no novice when it comes to real estate development, construction, or the knowledge on how to build a brand name and marketing it. In 1976, He released his debut “Nobody Beats The Wiz” platform on Fulton Street in the Downtown region of Brooklyn. Ultimately it grew to 110 stores in 6 states with 6,000 employees and sales of $2B. Due to the prompt development of The Wiz as a Trademark and for its affordability in the cost, after his 7th platform, Jemal created, functioned and personally oversaw every aspect of his individual in-house design, construction and building development business. There, SS Jemal employed 600 tradesmen to build over 20M sf of retail stores, shopping centers, office facilities and distribution centers, whereupon he learned first-hand EVERY aspect of construction: from “concept-to-completion”. SS Jemal had his own team of in-house CAD architects and would “Value Engineer” (VE), all plans before pencil hits paper to avoid cost overruns, change orders and the deadly extras associated with them. Not only did Jemal create and design each of the exceptional shopping centers and Wiz mall outlet stores ,but rather, Jemal also designed and very uniquely factory-made all the interior fittings and custom-made fixtures for the comprehensive fit-out of all internal spaces in his own design and manufacturing facility. Everything inside the Wiz store was created, structured and made by SS Jemal. All his resources were acquired unswervingly from the inventive manufacturers with “chosen nation grade clauses” in all his agreements to protect total monies expended. Jemal had several subs bid utilizing hours spent & commodities required (T&M) to retain the efficiency and control on each phase of every project.  SS Jemal personal “thumbprint” was on every aspect of everything that the eye could see when entering a Wiz store or shopping center.  Jemal’s personal ingredients and hands-on approach to design and construction save cash costs and time thru regulating the complete approach. With the complete vertical addition of all aspects of design, construction, and implementation, SS Jemal, consistently displays the skills necessary to manage and control major endeavors such as Jemal’s current endeavor, CENTRAL. The skill-set that Jemal possesses; design, construction, marketing, branding when coupled with outstanding organizational skills to build the right team will prove to be invaluable to the success of CENTRAL and JemRock’s aggressive roll-out strategy. According to Advertising Age 2000, The Wiz was the 13th most recognized brand name in the USA, and The Wiz was only a Northeast regional retailer and number 12 was Pepsi-Cola. Jemal self-educated himself on advertising and branding through decades of promoting his specific Nobody Beats The Wiz brand.

After the sale of Nobody Beats The Wiz, SS Jemal began to focus on waterfront development in 1997. He commenced by retorting to an RFP from RIOC (Roosevelt Island Operating Corporation), for the southernmost tip of Roosevelt Isle, branded as “Southpoint”. SS Jemal was one of seventy respondents and against all odds my proposal and vison for Southpoint beat out all the other very established and famous brand-name development companies. Through the years SS Jemal spent on trying to gain the “NIMBY’s” approval for his massive mixed use development project, SS Jemal really got a complete education on NYC zoning laws, rules, and regulations. SS Jemal also, very greatly expanded his network of professionals with New York City specific and very centric expertise that is invaluable to him today. The expertise garnered thru Waterfront Development contributed several very important elements to SS Jemal. It led him to develop his trademarked brand The Riviera, along with the trademarked slogan marks: “revitalizing the world’s waterfront” and “making the world’s waterfront a better place to live, work, visit, shop & play”. Jemal started his journey of cobbling together multiple smaller pieces of land in the waterfront of Queens, Brooklyn, Manhattan, Bronx and the New Jersey area and lived the next 15 years of his life completely and totally immersed in the waterfront residential space of New York real estate and building relationships with the most knowledgeable professionals required to implement his vision.

SS Jemal has been working with his oldest son Norman S. Jemal, Member & COO of JemRock Organization. The initial emphasis of JemRock was implementing a laser-like focus on potential Manhattan’s residential conversions. Jemal recently released his concept known as CENTRAL. The intentions are very clear, and it features delivering cost-effective, yet magnificent apartments to the working man and woman. JemRock, with its truly world-class team of professionals is uniquely positioned with a pipeline of property prospects that perfectly fit the CENTRAL conversion criteria (CCC). CENTRAL would allow a six-figure earner to easily afford to live in Manhattan in a beautiful “amenity-rich” building in a prime location. Rather than catering, marketing and advertising to multi-millionaires the CENTRAL resident is a person who was herded out of Manhattan to the outlying boroughs. SS Jemal and his son Norman have spent the last four years very carefully analyzing, studying all the data, and focusing on the Manhattan residential market. With rent payment costs currently exploding ­throughout New York City, SS Jemal trusts that this is the best time to attack with his CENTRAL model and latch onto this once-in-a-lifetime situation. As he stated: “I truly do have an unparalleled deal-flow and the top world-class professionals on my CENTRAL Core Team. A quite well designed plan unveiling the CENTRAL Trademark pending brand in Manhattan will soon be fully detailed, exposed as well as widely advertised;  trailed by development of the CENTRAL Trademark pending brand to extensive other significant cities in America and worldwide. This will be competently and expeditiously attained in complete recital with the CENTRAL Core Crew that has been organized and is in place to immediately strike.”

With the building expertise and brand-building acumen Jemal has garnered over many decades, attached with the CENTRAL global-class, truly supreme crew he has at present collected, JemRock has a totally vertically integrated, scalable business model highlighted with New York City specific experienced players to execute the CENTRAL vision at every level from concept-to-completion.