The vitamin D is one of the key nutrients in the f function of the organism in general. Therefore, it is necessary to have adequate levels thanks to the exposure of the skin to the ultraviolet rays of the sun and the consumption of certain foods .
Thus, numerous studies ensure that vitamin D also plays an essential role in muscle function. Therefore, it is a crucial nutrient for sports performance and people used to doing physical exercise regularly.
The importance of vitamin D for the body is much deeper than we can imagine, as different research works have shown in recent years.
Even during the Covid pandemic – 19 has become I manifest the virtues of this nutrient, capable of working as a treatment to avoid the admission of patients to the ICU and deaths due to the virus.
Vitamin D and sports performance
There does not seem to be a clear consensus regarding the daily needs of vitamin D for the body. Although the National Institute of Health of the United States recommends an intake of 600 IU of vitamin D daily to have ideal levels.
Regarding the importance for muscle health, there are several studies that have shown that some athletes require higher values of this vitamin to enhance sports performance.
As explained from ' Salud Mapfre' , the Vitamin D supplementation helps increase power, strength, reaction time, balance and limit the risk of muscle injury.
- Thus, this same organism lists the athletes who are at greater risk of presenting vitamin D deficiency , which could affect your athletic performance:
- Those who have low sun exposure.
- They show poor gastrointestinal absorption against certain nutrients.
- They have a family history of vitamin D deficiency, bone disorders or various diseases.
Athletes with darker skin.
They use clothing that covers most or all of their body.
How to have optimal levels
It is necessary to clarify that vitamin D supplementation should only be carried out in situations of need and under medical supervision. Although, in general, they are usually safe treatments for health, although it is essential to follow the conditions of consumption.
That is, supplementation with this vitamin depends on each athlete and their nutritional needs under certain circumstances.
Therefore, the main way to obtain vitamin D is the ultraviolet rays of the sun. Exposing the skin in a moderate way to solar radiation allows to considerably increase the levels of this vitamin in the body, essential for its proper functioning.
In addition, another natural option to supplement the values of vitamin D in the blood is by consuming certain foods rich in this nutrient. Among them are blue fish, shellfish, egg yolks, varieties of mushrooms, avocados or enriched milk.
In short, having optimal levels of vitamin D is beneficial for sports performance and to prevent the risk of injury, both bone and muscle.