

How Are Applications Migrated Using The 6 Strategies?

We are living in those times when technological advancements will clobber news headlines from time to time. As part of a new package for the Millennials, gigantic steps are being made in application migration. Most of you have heard of this; however, some could be wondering what this is.

So what is an application migration strategy?

Application migration strategy generally refers to relocating the entire application environment and computing infrastructure. This could result from a myriad of factors, including but not limited to enhancing security, cost minimization, modernizing the information technology base, and sometimes recovering from a disaster. Application migration roadmap has taken a bold leapfrog from the 5 Rs that Gartner formulated in 2010 to the current 6 Rs, which has been a noteworthy contribution and improvement by Amazon Web Service (AWS). This is how we migrate applications using the six strategies:

1. Re-hosting

Re-hosting is also known as “Lift and Shift.” You needn’t go beyond the word’s definition to understand this strategy. It is changing the location of the application as it is to a cloud platform. Re-hosting is rearranging your room without any changes in the hardware.

This strategy is advisable for an organization that needs prompt relocation, like during emergencies or if there are issues with fast-approaching due dates. It is loved by many because it is more of a ctrl C ctrl V procedure. Its major challenge could be inheriting performance malfunctions from the former platforms.

2. Re-architecting

Re-architecting is also known as Refactoring. It involves appreciating the inevitable changes in technology and market needs. The truth is that, over time, what is the hot cake of the day, will be held hostage by obsolescence and hence the need to be up to date. Refactoring is, therefore, tweaking a few features to match the growing needs and scaling what already exists to be more versatile in solving the growing needs.

In practice, it is migrating from a monolithic to a serverless architecture. It has the advantage of reduced maintenance costs because there are no servers to maintain and improved efficiency. Before settling for this option, you should beware that there is no room for mistakes. Exceptional understanding of all aspects of the application, compliance, code, and design is non-negotiable.

3. Re-purchasing

Re-purchasing runs out of your immediate infrastructure and is manned by a reliable third party, thus relieving your team of maintenance duty. Abandoning your current software and relocating to a cloud-first application can be done in two ways:

  • Repositioning your software license from an on-premises server to AWS
  • Complete replacement of your current application with SaaS options

You should do good research to find out what can work best for you. Also, consideration of costs and the urgency of the need may make a difference.

This strategy comes with a good migration speed and a step up in quality, primarily if SaaS options are settled on as a way of repositioning.  This strategy requires competent know-how to administer a new cloud system.

4. Re-platforming

Re-platforming is also known as Lift and Reshape. This second name can quickly help you understand what it is all about. It involves advancing an application from its existing platform and adhering to the minimum possible Twelve factors to get it to run on the cloud while preserving existing functionality.”

As you can predict, this strategy has the advantage of using services close to existing infrastructure without needing code change. Knowledge is still fundamental here, and top-notch planning will assure good results.

5. Retaining

Retaining is simply keeping what you don’t need to migrate from all available options. Not everything can be suitable for cloud hosting, or some features could not be ready for migration. Retaining them for planning and further research is a safe option that must not be ignored. This should also be a good base for resurgence to enhance quality.

6. Retiring

Retirement is also a part of the migration strategy. This has to do with your needs and the usefulness of your applications. All that you don’t find helpful for your future needs should not occupy space and time. Retiring is therefore getting rid of all that does not fit current plans and future needs. You must be sure that you don’t have any plans with them before you retire. Don’t gamble with your food in the trash can before you are satiated.


An application migration strategy is a move that has caught up with us in this new age of tech development and advancement. It sounds like rocket science, but it is not supposed to be in practice. Knowing what to do is the only way to sail through the turbulence of tech and remain on the right side of competition and efficiency. Following the above strategies will put you way above the rest.