Are you working too much and doing more than you should? Are you not getting enough break time? Are you missing out on opportunities to rest?
Many of us in today’s hectic, work-focused society are asking these same questions. When we feel overwhelmed, when we feel stressed out, and when we are taking on a lot of work, these are the kinds of questions that need to be asked.
You cannot continue to push yourself constantly to your limits and expect that you will be okay. At some point, you are going to collapse, or have a mental breakdown, or snap at someone one.
Let’s look at a few of the indicators that will tell you if you are overworked or not. These are not always signs of being overworked, but if you have a few of these indicators, then that should be a warning to you.
Perpetual Tiredness
Do you find yourself saying to other people, “I am always tired”? That may not be a sign of healthy working habits. It may not indicate an underlying health issue. It may be an indication that you are overworking yourself, working for too long and for too often. You may need to slow down.
Your body needs time to recover. Even getting a full night’s sleep might not be enough to rejuvenate you fully. Your tiredness can persist even after you get enough sleep, and that should be worrying to you. If you are getting adequate rest and you are not being overworked, then a good night’s sleep should leave you feeling refreshed. If you feel like you need to have some strong coffee before you have any energy in you at all, that could indicate that you are working too much.
Of course, if you are working so much that you don’t have time for adequate sleep, that is a serious problem that needs to be addressed.
Poor Work Performance
Another indicator that tells you that you might be doing too much work in a short period of time is the fact that your work performance is suffering. It is tough to keep up a high level of performance over a long period of time. If you are getting a lot of work to do but not getting adequate time to rest, then you will not have time to rejuvenate and refresh yourself. Your mind and body will become very tired and will have a hard time doing the work that you need to do at the level you used to do it.
Do you notice that your work performance has suffered recently? Has a coworker or boss told you that your work just isn’t up to par lately but you are putting in your best possible efforts? The problem could be a lack of rest and an abundance of work. Try getting some rest and taking a break and see if that helps. You can come back refreshed and ready to work at your peak.
If you are working under a supervisor, bring the issue to their notice. Tell them that you think you might be working too much and that you need a rest. Let them know that you think it is affecting your performance and that you believe that with some rest you can come back as good as ever. If you have a reasonable supervisor, they will take your concerns into account and try to find a way to help you take a break.
Your Attitude Is Poor
Are you someone who usually has a good attitude but lately you have been feeling down, depressed, and irritable? You could be suffering from overworking.
It’s easy to keep up a good attitude when you don’t feel tired and don’t feel stressed. When you have a light workload, the work seems easy, and you can chatter with your coworkers and look forward to the end of your workday.
If you feel overworked, then you may be too tired to chat and you may feel like you need to go to sleep and do nothing else once your workday is over. That can seriously affect your mood. If you have paid attention to your behavior over the past few days and weeks, you may have noticed a pattern of behavior that is not the norm for you.
If you are taking on too much work, consider hiring out the house chores. It may be easier to hire a Staten Island reliable weekly maids agency than for you to cut back on your work at your job. Not everyone has the flexibility to cut their working hours or reduce their job workload. But most people can take a break from the house chores or find someone who can do the housework for them for a while.
Once you try cutting back some of the work that is placed upon you, what you will probably notice is that your attitude will improve. It will be easier to have a good attitude, to crack jokes, to engage in light conversation, and to smile even when you are busy.
Pre-Work Anxiety
How do you feel when you are getting ready for work? When you think of your job, what is the emotion that goes through your body? If you have anxiety, worry, fear or tiredness associated with thoughts of your job, then you may be overworked. If the thought of going to work the next day makes you feel anxious and triggers a tired feeling, then you could definitely be overworked.
How you feel about your work says a lot about the load of work that is placed upon you. Pay attention to the indicators we have listed here, and if you have one or more of these right now, then you should consider the possibility that you are overworked.
The solution is to take a break, do mental exercises that relax you and release anxiety, and to ask for a reduced workload for a while. Taking those steps can ease your burden and give you a chance to recuperate.