
Karo Doiqua com VN The Legitimacy of The Website

The post Karo Doiqua Com VN gives the information about the site and its mission concerning the contest along and prize information.

Do you love eating Karo cakes? Would you like to win a thrilling vehicle as a reward to purchase a cake from Karodoiqua? Are you interested in learning more about this exciting contest?

It is a Vietnam company is a Vietnambased company produces a variety of snacks and food items. To market their products, they’ve launched this contest. This article provides the most recent announcements from Karo Doiqua.com VN.

The Offer Price Announcement.

Karodoiqua.com is a website which is owned by the Hoang-Mai & Production Company Limited. The site was developed to participate in an event. Hoang- Mai -Company produces cakes and snacks, of which they’ve announced the price for their four Karo cakes of the type. They are

  • Fresh-Milk cream with strawberry(or – Bird’s (Nest Flavor) The richness of Karo Cake
  • Scrambled Egg Tarts with Golden Cheesy-Flavor
  • Fresh – Egg- Cake from -Karo-Bong
  • Karo-cakes Butter & Crispy Egg

The primary reason for designing the website is to make sure that customers must enter the hidden letters on the website the Karo Doiqua Com VN. The letters hidden will be included on the cards. The customers will receive scratch-cards for each purchase of Karo cakes. Each card will be adorned with 12 letters that are alphanumeric.

The Contest Details

After receiving the scratch card details, the customers are required to type in the 12 letters of alphanumeric on the site. Then, they will be taken to another page where the user is required to enter their personal information. Each user will be offered the chance to turn the luckiest paddle in order to receive the prizes of the honorable. The prizes awarded to honourees include mobile recharge packs that are worth of 10000 Vietnamese dongs.

A brief outline of Karo Doiqua.com VN

The contest on the website will be open for times of 8 a.m. until 10 p.m beginning March 25 2022 until May 25, 2022. Every customer is allowed to enter 1 scratch-off code.

The prize information for the contest is that 20 contestants are selected to win the prize at first. The winner will receive a basic Honda SH-mode CBS and the third prize is Sun-house (9000 BTU) air conditioner for 200 persons. The third prize is a Sun AC in the house for 600 people. The 4th prize RichyKaro’s Back- packs that can accommodate 6,000 people.

The Legitimacy of The Website

Verifying the authenticity of websites such as Karo Doiqua Com VN is essential prior to providing personal information to anyone.

Positive aspects

  • The website contained details about the contest.
  • Contact numbers are available to make grievances.
  • Negative highlights
  • They have given out unreal prizes to a lot of people.
  • They also announced prizes of 10 , billion Vietnamese dongs.
  • The website’s information on age is not available
  • Reviews about the contest are not available.
  • The Domain Register is unknown.

The website was also awarded an extremely low trust score of only 20 percent. The negatives outweigh the positives in this instance therefore it is best to review the contest’s rules prior to entering the contest.


So, the article Karo Doiqua Com VN included the information about Hoang-Mai’s promotional contest and prizes. However, their prize is quite expensive, leading us doubt its authenticity. Find out more on the score of trust