
Kemper Durand Memphis :- How did Kemper Durand Memphis Die?

Are you familiar with Kemper Durand? Did you hear about his strange death in 2013? You want to find out why this story is back in the news?

After hearing the news that a kindergarten teacher had disappeared, people in the United States were shocked. Everyone wants to know if Eliza Fletcher has been safe and if anything happened to her. All eyes are on the police investigation. We can read Kemper Durand Memphisnews for all the details.

Why is Kemper Durand mentioned in the news?

Durand was captured by a gunman in 2000. A gunman forced Durand to go to the bank and requested his ATM card. After he shouted for help, the suspect fled. Cleotha abston, who was later arrested in 2000 for the charge that she kidnapped Durand, was taken into custody in Memphis, Tennessee.

According to an online news report in 2022, the same man was also arrested for the particularly aggravated kidnapping offense.

What is Especially Aggravated Kidnapping, and Why?

Tennessee Code Title 39, Chapter 13 Section 39-13-303 defines kidnapping as a serious crime. Tennessee Code Title 39, Section 39-13-305 defines Especially Aggravated Kidnapping. It states that abduction is:

  • A deadly weapon was used to kill someone or the victim believed it was a deadly tool.
  • When a victim is less than 13 years old.
  • Served as ransom, shield, or hostage.
  • or the victim sustains severe injury.

It falls under the category of Especially Gravated Kidnapping. The act can result in 15-60 years imprisonment.

In the case Kemper Memphis ,accused Cleotha abston was charged with abducting. She served 20 years in prison and was released on July 2020.

What’s the latest case on Abston?

Recent news reports that Abston was taken into custody on Saturday for tampering and aggravated kidnapping Eliza Fletcher. Eliza, a mother of two children and teacher, has been missing since Friday, when she went for a jog and has not returned. Police began an investigation after her husband reported that Eliza was missing. They found a man who took her in an SUV. A few surveillance footage was enough to help police identify Abston.

How did Kemper Durand Memphis Die?

Kemper Bartlett Durand was an outstanding lawyer who died in February 2013. After a bout with flu, he died suddenly on Saturday. One of his sons described how he died sitting by the fireplace in his home.

Durand was a scholar who was considered a glue that held the community apart. His body was donated to medical research.

Please be aware that the information provided here comes from internet sources and is not intended to be a claim on any person.


Kemper Durand Memphis attorney was abducted by Abston in 2000. She is now being held in custody for Especially aggravated child napping of Eliza Fletcher. The investigation is now focusing on Abston’s brother who is also a suspect in the case. You can find out more about the memorial to Kemper durand by clicking here

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