
Looking To Treat Arthritis in New York

Arthritis is a joint ailment that causes pain and inflammation, limiting movement and activities. There are several kinds of arthritis, and each kind has different symptoms and requires treatment. Arthritis, which primarily affects the feet, hands, hips, knees, and lower back, can cause joint discomfort due to inflammation or degeneration. If you are looking for Portland arthritis, visit the website. 

Understanding the types of joints:

While soft tissues protect and cushion joints, preventing bone friction, articular cartilage is essential for smooth joint mobility. Certain joints are lubricated by synovial membranes, while others, such as the knees, are supported by tendons (muscle to bone) and ligaments (bone to bone).

The types of arthritis:

While it is true that there are over 100 joint disorders that are classified as arthritis, some common types would be osteoarthritis, ankylosing spondylitis (spinal arthritis), juvenile arthritis, gout (uric acid crystals), psoriatic arthritis (related to psoriasis), and rheumatoid arthritis (the immune system assaults synovial membranes).

What is the cause?

It is unfortunate that arthritis is the biggest cause of disability in the United States, affecting over 50 million people and 300,000 children. In terms of what exactly causes arthritis, it is influenced by several factors including familial history, joint stress, autoimmune illnesses, and viral infections.

Are there any risk factors?

The answer is yes, age, lifestyle (smoking, exercise habits), sex (most types are more common in women), and weight (obesity stresses joints) are all risk factors. 

This is why, you need to watch out for any symptoms of arthritis like mild to severe joint pain, redness, stiffness, swelling, and soreness.

How do I diagnose arthritis?

As with any other medical condition, we would suggest that you consult a doctor, who will look out for any symptoms and perform a physical exam to examine joint mobility, tenderness, and overall health. The doctor can also do imaging, such as X-rays, MRIs, or ultrasounds, which can help diagnose bone fractures, cartilage degradation, ligament injuries, and inflammation around joints.

Final thoughts:

Have you been diagnosed with arthritis? It is quite true that arthritis has no cure as of yet, but there are still several therapies that you can go for. You can get anti-inflammatory medicines, pain relievers, and immune-targeting biologics along with physical therapy. Physical therapy can help a lot with improved mobility and strength, whereas therapeutic injections such as cortisone shots and viscosupplementation can relieve discomfort and improve joint function, especially in the knees.