
Post pandemic in medical education: What topics should health professionals specialize in?

COVID-19 shocked the entire globe and brought a wave of mass suffering, but the healthcare industry felt its repercussions most strongly. Professionals worked day and night to ensure the safety of patients. Organizations like the Islamic Medical Association of North America (IMANA) went all out to deliver medical care to those in need, despite the grave circumstances. As we move into a post-pandemic world, it’s time to re-evaluate the medical system and answer the ever-looming question – What topics should healthcare professionals specialize in following COVID-19?

Leading Healthcare Specializations Post-Pandemic

Here are some specializations that healthcare experts should focus on in the post-COVID-19 pandemic.


A sudden increase in the need for healthcare professionals with virology expertise has been caused by the population’s rapid growth and the most recent COVID-19 pandemic. Virology experts can find employment opportunities in the research sector at universities, governmental organizations, or healthcare organizations. Professionals with a deep understanding of the topics could also collaborate with pharmaceutical firms to conduct market research and create new drugs for the good of humanity.  

Instead of being a jump scare, the coronavirus spread might indicate upcoming virology troubles – speculation confirmed by the newfound Healthcare hazard Monkeypox. Hence, specializing in virology can help Healthcare professionals stay prepared for all that is to come.

Diagnostic Testing

The sooner a disease can be detected, the higher the chances of a patient being cured. Since the pandemic, people have been getting increasingly careful of hidden medical conditions and infections. Thus, the demand for accurate diagnosis is at an all-time high. 

COVID-19 was a wake-up call for healthcare systems worldwide. It was a glaring reminder of the inefficiency of our diagnostic branches to this day. Thus, healthcare professionals specializing in this field of work are in great demand in the future.

Pulmonary System Care

According to Dr. Panagis Galiatsatos from John Hopkins University, coronavirus can cause pneumonia, bronchitis, acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), and many lung complications. In severe cases, these could be life-threatening and have long-term effects on the body.    

COVID-19 is a recent catastrophe, so it’s hard to predict its impact on survivors in the future. However, given that its most common effect in active cases was difficulty breathing, healthcare experts must be proficient in the pulmonary system care. 

CME conferences devoted to “COVID-19: Where are we now?” and “Covid-19 Year in Review” could ensure doctors are prepared for the epidemic’s aftermath.

Mental Health

According to a World Health Organization (WHO) report, in the first year of covid, a 25% increase in the prevalence of anxiety and depression was observed around the world. Since then, post-pandemic trauma has become a prime topic of discussion. People have lost their loved ones, jobs, and precious years of their lives. Divorces have been on an all-time high. The healthcare turmoil has resulted in a social emergency. Thus, healthcare professionals with expertise in psychology can help people revive their mental condition and move back into the usual rhythm of life.    

The masses are starting to move over therapy’s taboos, so high-quality mental healthcare is the next big thing in the post-pandemic lifestyle.


The healthcare industry showed its mettle during the pandemic, but the battle is far from over. The transition from months and years of lockdown living to a new normal can only be facilitated if we have a troop of adept medical professionals. Hence, learning can never stop when you’re trying to make the world a better place. Targeting every aspect of the COVID-19 pandemic can help us rethink a medical system immune to unexpected health catastrophes.