flutter package


Procedures to test the flutter package working process

flutter package, flutteragency.com

The working of flutter packages assumes to integrate well on the flutter and dart ecosystems. It will depend on building an app and considering scratch with flutter packages. Testing the flutter package is easy, and it has to follow up the difference between plugin and package. Of course, it includes a type of package, and full designation must be shortened to the plugin. If you are customer looking for end to end mobile application development solutions then consider hiring Flutter developer from flutteragency.com.

It will add a good role and is mainly applicable to consider dependencies. At a minimum stage, the dart and other packages in the flutter must associate with the pubspec file. Additionally, it will explore packages that contain dependencies. 

Why flutter package is important

It contains pubspec files to add resources, tests, images, and examples within a short time. Development takes generosity, and the dart community must set out pub.dev site lists with many packages. It will list a new solution by taking packages and plugins for a type of package. The complete designation is to tackle well and generally hold with plugin options.

For example, the flutter package from the Flutter Company must set out a new solution and explore something better to achieve the difference. The Dart community must seem the best method to test the working process of the flutter packages. 


  • url_launcher: ^5.4.0 # Good, any version >= 5.4.0 but < 6.0.0
  • image_picker: ‘5.4.3’ # Not so good; only version 5.4.3 works.

On the other hand, it includes more features applicable to testing with automated options. They explore more uniqueness by showing features and bug fixes with velocity options. It performs correctly based on the automated solutions with the flutter app codelab. It will handle well and associate with practice on testing flutter apps.

  • Unit test
  • Widget test
  • Integration tests

In general, the well-tested apps must associate with tests and consider code coverage options. Then, it is enough to explore more tests and cover the critical use cases. The advice is to gather depending on the testing done with a proper outcome. Within a short time, it explores a quick solution and holds the salient role for essential use cases.

How to run flutter package testing?

In addition to testing, you have to follow or run a flutter test—-help in your terminal. It depends on the external dependencies with actual testing requirements. It considers the goal to verify the correctness of a unit with logic under various conditions. Therefore, external dependencies must be associated with certain conditions to run the tests significantly. 

import ‘package:css_colors/css_colors.dart’;
 import ‘package:flutter/material.dart’;
 void main() {
   runApp(const MyApp());
 class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
   const MyApp({Key? key}) : super(key: key);
   Widget build(BuildContext context) {
     return const MaterialApp(
       home: DemoPage(),

Testing a widget involves a salient role for flexible options with a framework with a component test. But, of course, it delivers a widget test, and the UI looks to interact as expected. Testing the flutter package seems comprehensive with a unit test. It will discover an environment-friendly and explore much more straightforward than a completely blown UI system.

Integration testing 

With integration testing on flutter, the package must initiate with the actual device or an OS emulator. The goal is to integrate with all widgets and work together with integration tests. The app must be flexible to wonder about integration tests with the testing page. It will evaluate depending on the expected outcome with testing functionalities. 

Existing packages should integrate with use cases on HTTP, custom navigation, integration with device APIs, and third-party platforms like flutterfire. It includes a new package on developing results on fonts and images. It will explore more functionalities, and images must give the images and packages. 

Searching for packages

On the other hand, it will develop a package for focusing on pub.dev displays to look compatible with the Flutter app. It will create a dependency by focusing on plugins and packages as well. The process will identify and maintain the packages on filtering on Android plugins, iOS, and web plugins. It combines well with an overall solution and packs with published solutions.

To test the flutter packages, it must follow up on some essential steps.

  • Open the pubspec.yam1 file located in the folder
  • Then, add css_colors under dependencies
  • Run the terminal: Run flutter pub get
  • IntelliJ: Click packages get in pubspec.yam1
  • VS Code: Click pubspec.yam1 on top of the folder

Conflict resolution

Like others, the flutter package testing seems the best way to add some package and another package on the app. It will develop depending on the url_launcher with different versions. It causes a potential conflict, and tests the packages quickly. 

Flutter packages with dependencies 

The flutter package will come under new ranges with specific versions of dependencies.

Some packages must target dependencies on Gradle modules on resolved conditions. The platform must set out a specific dependency on pods following changes with pubspec.yam1 file to force well on resolving or adding dependency override declaration. 


  url_launcher: ‘5.4.0’
configurations.all {
    resolution strategy {
        force ‘com.google.guava:guava:28.0-android’

Developing new pages with versions

The flutter agency will guide you all through the process using the testing process. Of course, it will depend on the current version and tackles with shorthand form plugin and pubspec column. It is fully noticed about formats and considers range constraints with specific minimum and maximum versions. 

When running flutter pub gets, the flutter packages deliver lock files and assume a new version with upgrade dependencies. Therefore, it considers a vital role for showing flutter pub get with package version with the same matter. 

Dependencies on unpublished packages

Of course, the flutter package must set out a pub.dev and private plugins on packages. It will explore appropriate options and consider additional dependency options. A flutter app can depend on the plugin relative to the directory containing pubspec.yam. It will depend on the plugin located next to the app in the directory.


  path: ../plugin1/


The Flutter packages testing process seems reasonable and gives dependencies options. It works rapidly by showing private and pub. dev specifications for the working process. We at flutteragency.com will help you make flutter packages’ testing methods and working processes more accessible. So, you will learn everything regarding the flutter package testing quickly.