Childhood years are formative years that should not be taken lightly, as they shape the child in more ways than one. What you teach and how you treat your child when they’re growing up will make a huge part of who they are when they grow up.
That’s why we’ve gathered scientific evidence from a few sources to help you understand the importance of this topic. We’ve also included simple but crucial tips on how you can better your parenting and how you can better educate your child.
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Moving on, here’s why early education is so important.
The Science Behind Your Brain During Childhood
We can’t emphasize the importance of good upbringing, education, and parenting. We can only show it with facts and evidence. Firstly let’s look at early brain development, and what goes on. We will be simplifying scientific language, so stick around. This will be easy to digest and you will learn something crucial.
Now, we can’t provide you with strong arguments without backing them up, so check what this article revealed by a study done by three scientists on the National Center For Biotechnology Information’s website:
“Age-related change in brain rhythms from early to middle childhood:
We’ve observed 2 key patterns in our results. With age, theta decreased, and alpha increased. Alpha peak frequency also increased. Then, power was higher when eyes were closed than open for theta and alpha, but power was higher when eyes remained open for beta and gamma.”
This study was done by Sammy Perone, Jeeva Palanisamy, and Stephanie M Carlson. To simplify what you just read, the childhood brain is operating on theta brain waves more than it does when the child becomes an adult.
Studies on brain activity and states have also been intensely researched, explained, and demystified by award-winning epigenetic researcher Joe Dispenza. Simply research his works by using relevant keywords or find his series “Becoming Supernatural”.
Dr. Dispenza explains how our brains work in a greatly detailed and enlightening manner. He mentions that we are more open to suggestions in our childhood years because we have not yet fully developed an “analytical brain” barrier, which can be formed because of the development of Beta brain waves.
Check this excerpt sourced from the book “Listening With The Whole Body: Clinical Concepts and Treatment Guidelines For Therapeutic Listening (2009)” by a therapist and a clinical psychologist:
“Around 12 years of age, EEG frequencies increased once again. The child now demonstrates that it can sustain periods of beta waves. These are at 12-35 Hz. Beta waves are linked to productivity, organizational skills, logical thought processes (critical thinking), and focused mental states. High beta waves are linked to anxiety, anger, and shallow breathing. High waves are 25Hz.”
So we’ve learned that:
- Theta brain waves signify being in a hypnotic state, usually achieved when we are meditating, when we just woke up, when we are hypnotized, or, interestingly enough, when we are being creative, imaginative, or insightful.
Now you can understand how impressionable and easily manipulated a child’s brain can be since it operates in a mind state that is parallel to being hypnotized.
- A child majorly operates on Theta and Alpha brainwaves; they are less prone to analyze or criticize information coming in. If you are teaching them all the wrong things, imagine what this does in the long run since we now know they are less prone to filter information.
Early Education Is Vital
Now we understand the high importance of early education. It is vital because it is imprinted deeply into the child’s being and mind. The way a child learns during childhood, what they learn, and what they observe and mimic from these formative years will be carried on to their adult life.
If they internalize negative experiences, negative lessons, etc., they will carry that into adulthood. Even if the child might suppress trauma, negative experiences, or neglect, it will always be in their subconscious mind, and the way they will act in their conscious life will be driven by these subconscious behaviors.
As much as we like to make things easy, education is NOT only what you learn in school:
- Education is parenting: What you teach your child in your time is vital to how they might view the world when they grow up. It shapes the lens through which they will perceive later on.
- Education is experience: Are you making sure that your child is not being neglected? Not being abused? Or bullied? Experiences in childhood can form a child in ways that you can’t imagine. If the child grows up in an abusive and unstable family home, this can affect them later on. If they are shown love, and respect, and given consistent affection during childhood, they will also typically grow up with a stable emotional frame and stable mental frame.
- Education is media: What are you letting your child consume? What kind of values is your child learning? Media influences the generations in more ways than one, so be sure that they’re consuming wholesome content and not toxic content.
There are so many factors to consider when it comes to early education that it is your job as a parent to be vigilant about all of them. What you can do is:
- Encourage their unique creativity and talents. Don’t discourage them unless they’re harmful behaviors.
- School is good for teaching discipline and structure but can impede a child’s individuality and creativity. So, be sure to nurture their unique abilities at home.
- Try to cut down their use of technology, especially phones. You don’t want them to grow up dependent on the pseudo dopamine rush that social media and being on their phones brings. If you can, try not to let them use technology until they are more capable of handling it. Too many parents turn their kids away to iPads and cellphones too early without realizing how damaging this can be.
- Help them study and learn in their way. Every child is different from the other, so it’s your job to find out how they learn and progress best, this way you can teach them effectively. Wouldn’t this be more effective than getting mad at them for not understanding something?
- Listen to them and give them affection and respect. There is so much we can learn from children as well. We shouldn’t be so arrogant as adults to treat them in an inferior manner. That only shows that we have not grown.
Final Thoughts
It’s not easy to be a parent, and raising a child goes much deeper than societal norms believe us to think. However, the influence you have over your children is enormous. It’s your job as a parent to try and understand your child, to teach them, and raise them with love and dignity.
We hope we’ve shed some light with this article, and we hope you’ve learned something important and new.