
SAP Concur Alternatives: Why You Need To Consider Your Options

When faced with a decision, most people reach for their first app. The first app they consider might not be the most ideal option — after all, it may lack features or be more expensive than other apps. However, by evaluating alternative apps, you’ll be strengthening your case and making your choice more logical. Here are some advantages of evaluating different solutions instead of just choosing one: Evaluating alternatives can help you avoid expensive mistakes. You may have considered switching to a new platform because of its lower startup cost or its extended support contract, but if that app doesn’t support your current software flavor, then it’s probably not the correct choice. You may not like the way another app works or its interface is too complicated. By testing out several competing apps, you increase your chances of finding a solution that works best for you without forcing you to change platforms.

Determine What Is Important to You

The first step to evaluation, before you start looking for SAP Concur alternatives, is to understand what is important to you. What are you trying to achieve with your software? Are there certain tools that you simply have to have? Is it critical to your company’s success to have an app that is highly optimized for the iOS platform? If so, you’re better off choosing an app that has been optimized for your device. However, if the primary reason for choosing your platform is for the availability of certain tools, then it’s best to stick with what you’ve got.

Consider the Long Term

As you begin your evaluation process, it’s important to keep in mind that you’ll be using your software for the long haul. It may be that you’ll use the app exclusively for a short time, but every time you use it, old habits will die hard. This will make the app less fresh, less responsive, and less effective. Furthermore, it’s likely that you’ll come to rely on a few tools that are particular to your organization.

It’s likely that you’ll find yourself using certain tools all the time, rather than switching to a new app every time a new platform is released. It’s best to hold off on making your decision until you’ve had some time to get familiar with a platform. The longer you use a platform, the less likely it is to leave you with negative feelings.

Keep Testimonials in Mind

When you’re deciding between platforms, it’s important to keep in mind that each one is tailored to a particular need. What one client may find valuable, another may find irrelevant. A good rule of thumb is to look for platforms that have received glowing reviews from previous customers. If you’re not happy with the decision you’ve made, the last thing you want to do is make rash decisions based on negative customer reviews. An example: if you’re switching platforms because support for your current app ends next month, you don’t want to look at platforms with a score below 5/10 because support will definitely wane over time. Instead, look for platforms that have been around for years and have strong, dedicated communities — platforms that have your back.

Get Task and App Reviews from Previous Clients

Although it’s nice to have your own five-star app, it’s better to find out that another app doesn’t have all the features that you want — or at least, not all at once. Before making your decision, it’s best to get some insight into how your current app is performing, as well as how other apps perform on different platforms. Task and app reviews from past clients can give you a good insight into how each platform works, as well as how other clients feel about the apps. When you’re done evaluating the platforms, it’s important to ask yourself this question: what’s my bottom line? 

What is the app that I’m going to choose? It’s best to start with that question because most platform decisions are based on price or support. However, if you feel that support is a major factor for you, then you should definitely consider switching platforms.

Look Into New Platforms

While it’s important to evaluate the current platform in order to make a decision, it’s also important to look into new platforms on the horizon. There is a chance that a new platform could be even better than the current one — after all, it may not be possible to add all the features that current platforms have. New platforms are usually developed in-house, and they’re usually created to be as flexible as possible. This means that new platforms are usually backward-compatible with old software — after all, who wants to spend the time changing apps all over again? It’s best to look into new platforms on a yearly basis. However, it’s also important to keep in mind that switching platforms is a continuous process. You may find that your current platform is sufficient for your needs, but that you want to take advantage of the new capabilities of a newer platform.

Bottom Line

When you’re faced with a decision, it’s important to reach back into your professional experience to help you better understand yourself and your challenges. You can do this by examining your app preferences and comparing your current platform to the available options. In many ways, this is an appraisal process — you’re rating and reviewing each platform on a scale of 1-10, with 10 being the most favorable review. After you’ve done this, you’ll have a much better chance of making a sound decision and choosing the right platform for your business.