Articles for tag: Chronic Fatigue, Healthcare


Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia: Treatment and Management

Chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia are misunderstood. This page covers drugs,therapy, and self-care for various illnesses.Fatigue and fibromyalgia are two complex conditions that are often difficult to treat. Whilethere is no cure for either condition, there are a variety of treatment options available tohelp manage symptoms.In this blog post, we will explore chronic fatigue syndrome ...


Asthma Management at school

Asthma Management at school 

One of the leading illnesses that contribute to student absences under the age of 18 is asthma. Asthma causes 14 million school absences annually, so it’s critical that teachers and other caregivers have the resources and knowledge necessary to maintain asthma-friendly environments in the classrooms. They should jot down the triggers and consult a doctor ...



Facts about Job Outlook of Healthcare Workers in 2022

The demand for healthcare workers has increased after the global coronavirus pandemic. With the COVID-19 variants such as monkeypox on the way, healthcare professionals are now needed more than ever. Healthcare workers serve in multiple areas, especially those most affected by chronic and life-threatening diseases.  According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, healthcare occupational positions ...