

These are the best vegetables that help lower cholesterol

The cholesterol is an important substance for the functioning of the human body , since it fulfills different key functions. Although, it is a substance that the body itself generates, but that can also be increased by the intake of certain foods and drinks, as well as other factors.

When a person has excessively high levels of cholesterol in the blood, it represents a high risk for cardiovascular health. And it is that LDL (bad) cholesterol tends to accumulate on the walls of the arteries, causing an obstruction or blockage of the normal flow of blood.

Thus, one of the main drawbacks of hypercholesterolemia (high levels of cholesterol in the blood) is that it does not present specific symptoms. Normally, elevated cholesterol levels are usually detected after a relatively serious cardiovascular event.

Why food is important

The only way to know exactly the levels of cholesterol in the blood is through a blood test that shows the values ​​accurately . Thus, if there is hypercholesterolemia, your doctor will immediately treat you to redirect the situation.

Alcachofa superalimentoArtichoke

The main treatment consists of following a diet low in fat and foods rich in cholesterol, predominantly the presence of healthy foods such as fruits and vegetables . In addition to this specific nutritional structure, it is also essential to increase the regularity and intensity of physical exercise depending on the physical condition of the patient.

Likewise, if the clinical picture is serious, it is usual for your doctor to indicate the intake of certain medications, such as Atorvastatin or similar.

Vegetables beneficial to lower cholesterol

In a nutritional diet with the aim of reducing the levels of cholesterol , fruits and vegetables cannot be absent, since they are suitable foods for this. Here are some of the best vegetables in this regard:

  1. Artichokes: The characteristics of this vegetable help protect the gallbladder and liver, in addition to helping to eliminate LDL (bad) cholesterol from the body. Being rich in cynarin and chlorogenic, it favors a better digestion of fats.
  2. Aubergines: It is a type of food of vegetable origin with an important composition of water, with a minimum content of fat and that presents a significant amount of fiber, especially in your skin. From the FAO (United Nations Food Organization), they assure that eggplants are good for reducing LDL cholesterol.
  3. Brussels sprouts: These vegetables are rich in vitamin C, but also contain a high content of fiber. Thus, due to its characteristics, it helps the formation of good cholesterol and prevents the formation of accumulated fats on the walls of the arteries.

Finally, it is necessary to clarify that Brussels sprouts also contain good doses of vitamin E, magnesium and zinc, which are another type of natural antioxidants that act as a complement to the vitamin C and against the formation of fats in the arteries.

In addition to being beneficial for reducing LDL cholesterol levels, they also offer favorable cardiovascular effects to reverse certain vascular damage in the body.

Medical recommendations to lower cholesterol

  1. Reduce the consumption of animal fats: One of the first measures that must be carried out is to reduce the intake of foods with significant amounts of fat, such as processed meat from salami, chorizo, mortadella or red meat with fat. It is also advisable to reduce the consumption of fatty dairy products.
  2. A more vegetable diet: It is advisable to substitute animal protein for vegetable protein. Thus, we must reduce the consumption of saturated fat and increase the consumption of fiber.
  3. More fiber: In the intestines, fiber is a soluble nutrient that binds to bile, which is made of cholesterol, and remove it. Soluble fiber is found in oat flakes, barley, legumes, fruits, or root vegetables.
  4. Carbohydrates: Select carbohydrates rich in fiber, such as beans, lentils, fruits or oatmeal. They help provide energy and provide a feeling of satiety.
  5. Weight loss: Losing pounds is essential to reduce bad cholesterol levels.