The vitamin C is one of the most important nutrients for human beings, especially due to its antioxidant power. Thus, this vitamin is essential for the proper functioning of the immune system and the health of the skin, among other things.
In this sense, recent studies have found a link between the lack of vitamin C in the body and bleeding gums. For this reason, it is important to consume different varieties of fruits and vegetables, which allow us to have optimal levels of this nutrient.
In addition, dentists also advise brushing your teeth well and flossing twice a day in case your gums bleed. Bleeding gums can be a sign of gingivitis, an early stage of periodontal disease.
Vitamin C and bleeding gums
A research paper developed by the University of Washington (United States) in 2021 suggests that the lack of vitamin C can cause bleeding gums.
In this regard, the main author of the study, Philippe Hojoel, explains that “when you see that your gums are bleeding, the first thing you should think about is not brushing anymore. You should try to find out why your gums are bleeding. And vitamin C deficiency is a possible reason.”
Specifically, this study published in the journal 'Nutrition Reviews' analyzed the research published in 15 clinical trials from six different countries. In total, these studies involved 1.140 predominantly healthy participants, and data from 8. 210 residents of the United States.
Thus, the investigation observed that bleeding gums on gentle probing or the tendency to gingival bleeding was related to low levels of vitamin C in the blood.
Thus, this group of researchers found that increasing the daily intake of vitamin C in people with deficiency helped to solve the problems of bleeding gums.
Due to this, experts recommend controlling the intake of foods with vitamin C, incorporating a wide variety of fruits, citrus fruits and vegetables. And it is that having optimal levels of this vitamin is also reflected in a better health of our mouth.
Obvious relationship
It is necessary to clarify that the link between bleeding gums and low levels of vitamin C was discovered for the first time more than 30 years, thanks to several studies conducted by the University of Washington School of Dentistry.
Dr. Hojoel notes that “there was a time in the past when gingival bleeding was more widely viewed as a potential marker of vitamin C deficiency. But over time, this excessive attention to treating the bleeding symptom with brushing or flossing drowned or marginalized it, rather than treating the cause.”
In short, dental experts confess that losing the connection between vitamin C deficiency and bleeding gums can have serious health consequences.
In conclusion, Professor Philippe Hojoel comments that “a predetermined prescription of oral hygiene and other periodontal interventions to 'treat' microvascular pathologies, even if partially effective in reversing gingival bleeding as suggested in this meta-analysis, is risky because it does not address any potential morbidity and mortality associated with microvascular-related systemic pathologies.”
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