
Write for Us Product Reviews :- Contributor benefits:

Are you able to analyse products in all industries? Are you a product or marketing expert looking to share your knowledge with a global audience. E-ecommerce has made it possible to publish product reviews, which can help shoppers make their buying decision.

XYZ invites review writers and product experts from all industries to submit their work to its platform. You can become a contributor to the Write For Us Product Reviews initiative and have access to 10000+ people who visit our platform.

Who are We?

XYZ is a platform for digital media that publishes news, product reviews and website articles. A team of talented writers creates high-quality content that is appealing to global audiences. Our platform’s content is based upon internet research.

We are not affiliated with any media agency, or companies that deal in the sale of products. Online shoppers love the content under the review section because it helps them make a purchase decision. Subscribers to the news section receive regular updates from entertainment, sports, and political niches.

What’s Leave a Review or Comment?

XYZ platform only publishes content in a handful of niches and has a small audience. This website invited contributors to review guest posts to diversify their content. This allows the website review posts from various industries, thereby attracting more traffic to each niche.

Contributors will have a ready-made audience to share their posts. XYZ audiences, on the other hand, will be able to access content from different niches through one platform. In their review, the contributor may mention the following points.

  • Features, advantages, and disadvantages of products.
  • Advantages over its competitors
  • Comparison of the market pricing
  • Detail of the product.

Product Reviews: Guidelines –

  • Review posts should be original and not plagiarising.
  • The length of your guest blog should not exceed five hundred words.
  • Review should include features, benefits and drawbacks of the product.
  • Avoid grammar errors and make sure your blog has a Grammarly score above 99.
  • Passive voice should not exceed 10% of the content’s length.
  • Guest posts should be easy to understand for the consumer.
  • After eighty percent of the post has been completed, attach two links to your review.
  • Avoid websites that have a spam score greater than 3% to avoid making content.
  • The Product Reviews title should be relevant and grab the attention of the audience.
  • The review writer should follow the SEO guidelines for the search engine to achieve a higher ranking in the SERPs.
  • The keyword density should not exceed.75 percent to 1% of the review’s length.
  • For search engine optimization, the article must include an introduction, heading and subheading.

Contributor benefits:

  • Review bloggers will have thousands of readers who read their posts.
  • Contributors can track post metrics and analyze the content and writing skills of others.
  • Sites that provide independent reviews of products can be attractive to a worldwide audience.
  • Website digital will assign a keyword to the Product Review + “Write For Us” post, thereby increasing traffic.
  • Experts from various industries can review the product and provide feedback to the target audience.

What type Article is accepted by XYZ website?

  • We will accept 100% original content that adds value for the audience who is searching for it.
  • To help customers make informed purchasing decisions, you should write honest reviews about the product.
  • You should not share the article that is already in digital space for guest posts.
  • You should not share review posts from the guest blog with any other platform.
  • XYZ accepts information articles but does not publish any promotion content.

How to submit Product reviews “Write for us” post?

Contributors interested in sharing their work for product reviews can contact the XYZ website team at [email protected]. Within three days of receiving your e-mail, our team members will reach out to the person interested and help guide them.


Digital economy has made product reviews more relevant. E-commerce platforms have created demand for authentic product reviews.