
Live San Miguel vs Converge San Miguel vs Converge:

Are you a fan of NBA sports more than other sports? Did you see the match between San Miguel and Converge recently? Are you able to name the winner of this match?

We all know that NBA sports are very popular across the globe. The Philippines was one of the most popular countries to see this type of sports.

Many people have searched for Live San Miguel vs Converge results after missing this match. This article will give you all the information you need about the NBA game.

San Miguel vs Converge:

On Sunday 26th June 2022, Converge and San Miguel played basketball. We found out that San Miguel had defeated Converge for the fourth time in this year’s tournament.

Jericho Cruz was the key person that led San Miguel to victory. This game was also won by San Miguel with twenty-two points. Cruz was crowned the man of match after this match. These were the only pieces of information that we discovered while researching live San Miguel vs Converge .

Scores from San Miguel:

All of us know that San Miguel was aggressive and won the match. These are the players who contribute to scoring points:

  • Cruz scored 22.
  • Tautuaa was responsible to 19.
  • Fajardo has won 18.
  • Perez has done 15.
  • Lassiter played an important part and scored 12.
  • Zamar scored 9.

Converge team score:

Converge was a formidable opponent. These are the scores they achieved:

  • Bulanadi has a score 22.
  • Digregorio has reached 21.
  • Hill has won 15.
  • Ahanmisi was able to reach 10.
  • Murrell also did 10.

These are the scores of both teams.

Live San Miguel vs Converge

We all now know what the scores of each team’s players are. We all love the NBA and need to know what quarter scores each team has achieved.

The quarter scores of Converge and San Miguel are as follows:

28-16, 62-39, 86-66, 111-92.

These are the quarter scores of both teams while they were playing against each other. These are the key information about the match that took place on 26 June 2022 between Live San Miguel and Converge. San Miguel was declared the winner.

Why do people search for this NBA Event?

The NBA is one of the most viewed sports events in the world. Many people don’t have the time to see that match, so they are interested in getting an update. This is why the topic has become so popular.


According to research on the internet, Jericho Cruz from San Miguel played an important role in the match’s outcome on 26 June 2022. Converge had been defeated four times by San Miguel this year.

San lost by 22 points to Converge. Are you familiar with the Live San Miguel and Convergematches? Share your thoughts with the other viewers by commenting on who you thought was the best of the two teams.