
Vue vs. React: Which Should You Use in 2022?

Between React, Vue, and Angular supporters, fierce holywars erupt on a regular basis. Many people strive to show that their framework is the finest and that the others aren’t worth learning. Experts who have worked with all three tools, however, agree that there is no superior one: each framework enables you to tackle certain issues as effectively as possible, but there are better methods to address the others. We’ll look at the advantages and disadvantages of React and Vue in this overview essay.

What is the best option for a newbie?

For a beginner, the ideal option is to begin learning any instrument as soon as feasible. Any suggestions and discussions in this respect are the creators’ own opinions, which were affected by their senior colleagues at one point.

You just need to take on the framework on which the first allocated project will be based to avoid falling into the vicious loop of devotees of one way, to be open, and not get caught up on a certain method. As a result, the programmer will be able to grasp the tool while at work, focusing on the most important parts.


React is an open-source library rather than a framework. It’s suitable for small initiatives with a rapid payoff as one of the objectives. Angular makes it easy to create large, branching sites.

“Why is React better than Vue?” you may wonder. is replied in a variety of ways. For example, the former puts the latter on the back foot in terms of ecosystem saturation, while the later pleases fans with a wide variety of bespoke rendering tools. However, React’s biggest benefit is that it still has a vibrant and growing community.

You can do the following with the support of a “live” community:

  • Discover a solution to a complicated or unusual situation quickly or reasonably fast;
  • Use a variety of teaching elements, including video, text, tables, and graphs;
  • To learn about fresh solutions and possibilities in a short period of time;
  • Choose a mentor and use his guidance to level up quicker;
  • Use ready-made innovations and tweak them as needed.


Vue has high responsiveness and component structure, and it is fairly open and simple to adopt for newcomers. Vue has absorbed the greatest elements of Angular and React, making it simple for programmers to migrate from another framework. Many developers believe it is the most user-friendly alternative for newcomers. Learn more about Vue development here: https://dinarys.com/vue-js-development

The biggest downside of Vue is that it lacks the same quantity of training resources as React and Angular, as well as a strong community. However, this is just a temporary situation; the technology is relatively new and in high demand.

If we’re talking about how Vue is superior to React, I’m reminded of the CLI project generator – React lacks this capabilities. It uses an interactive wizard to help you create a new project fast and effortlessly. It’s also used for prototyping components in real-time. Create React App, like the CLI, allows you to launch your application quickly.

Common features

It’s worth mentioning that these two technologies have not only differences but also identical characteristics, which might be confusing for individuals trying to decide if React or Vue is preferable. Both enable you to swiftly grasp concepts, explore the surroundings, and get started with activities. In terms of speed, it is unlikely to become a deciding factor (high for both tools).

Both React Native and Vue Native support hybrid app development

Comparable technologies make use of Virtual DOM, which is a lightweight clone of the regular DOM that enables you to make modifications and reconcile them with the original. That is, a section that is entirely different from the original will be substituted on the user’s screen. This approach helps you to minimize traffic and speed up content loading, bringing the user’s “initial contact” with the page closer together and lowering the bounce rate. This is particularly true for persons who use smartphones and who have a sluggish Internet connection.

“Why is React superior to Vue?” is a difficult question to answer decisively. Everything comes down to the personal tastes of programmers when comparing two technologies whose functionality, plus or less, is meant for the same purposes. As a result, an abstract React developer would believe he made the greatest decision and that his framework is the best. Is this, however, true for every issue that arises? It’s important to remember that each strategy is useful in its own right; you should examine the situation rather than relying on your favorite tactics blindly. Learn also about JavaScript development here.