
What Was Earlier Called Tokyo What are some other similar games?

We have the answer to Was Tokyo Earlier? This was a popular word game Daily Themed Crossword.

Do you play crossword puzzles too? Did you know about the Daily Themed Crossword? Are you searching for the answer to yesterday’s question? Daily Themed Crossword is a brain puzzle word game that allows you to have fun while solving crosswords.

This game is played regularly by players from the United Kingdom and the United StatesCanada and Australia also play it. Yesterday’s puzzle, Was It Earlier Called Tokyo?, was the most popular query. We have the answer if you don’t know.

Was Tokyo called before?

If you are a daily crossword solver and you play Daily Themed Crossword you will have seen this question in yesterday’s puzzle. Don’t delay! Check out what Tokyo was like before.

This is related to Japan’s history. The correct answer is EDO, which is a three letter word. This is the correct answer to the question asked yesterday. It’s the 6th June Daily Themed Crossword.

Was Tokyo formerly called Daily Themed Crossword?

Tokyo’s historical name is Edo. Japan’s monarch reigned in solitary glory in Kyoto, the ancient capital of Kyoto under the Tokugawa Shoguns. Edo, the place where the Tokugawa lived and ruled the country, was the epicenter of authority, government and business and social interaction.

Edo is much more than an ancient Japanese city. It also has significant value and a picture. Edo encompasses almost all that they consider to be part of their culture and tradition.

What’s a Daily Themed Crossword Game?

PlaySimple Games LTD developed the crossword game and it is available for download on all android and iOS devices. Was It Previously Called Tokyo was one of the highlighted queries from the game.

Crosswords can be based on a variety of topics and include topics such as technology, history, business, and so forth. The games can be played from any location, anytime, and at your fingertips. Crossword puzzles are a great way to exercise your brain.

You can also improve your knowledge and become a master. Some puzzles are simple to solve, while others can be difficult. You need a guide in such situations. We have provided the answer to the question What Was Tokyo?

What are some other similar games?

Sitting down and solving crosswords or puzzles can help keep your brain active. It’s also fun to answer the questions and learn new vocabulary.

You can play Daily Themed Crossword as well as Crosswords with Friends, Daily Pop Crosswords, Daily Crosswords with Friends, Daily Crosswords, Daily Crosswords Daily Crosswords, Daily Crosswords Daily Crosswords, Daily Crosswords Daily Crosswords, Daily Themed Crosswords, Daily Crosswords Daily Crosswords, Daily Themed Crosswords, Daily Themed Crosswords, and many other similar games.


Daily-themed crosswords that are based on general knowledge are a great way to stimulate the mind. Here is the link to download this game for your android device.